
by a Japan aficionado


  • b
    • BentoBento
      Take-away meal, delicious love letter
  • c
    • ContemplationContemplation

      There is one thing that touches me about the Japanese...

  • k
    • KintsugiKintsugi

      Art japonais, qui célèbre et sublime les marques du temps...

  • s
    • SakuraSakura

      Extraordinary cherry tree that blooms in the Japanese spring...

  • t
    • Tanbo ArtTanbo Art

      The art of rice paddies. The Japanese celebrate their heritage...

  • w
    • Wabi-sabiWabi-sabi

      In praise of imperfections. The patina of time makes people...

Inspirations from Japan

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Japon Intime

Rencontres inspirantes avec des personnalités japonaises qui nous dévoilent leur univers singulier de culture et de beauté, en corps et en âme.


Edo Beauty

It was in the kitchen that the first Japanese cosmetics were created by women's hands. From rice. A staple food, a nutritional treasure and a treasure of nature. In the Edo period, it was part of the skin care ritual.

perm_identity Florence Miette

Japon Intime

Rencontres inspirantes avec des personnalités japonaises qui nous dévoilent leur univers singulier de culture et de beauté, en corps et en âme.
